Preparation of initial information for digital modeling of clothes for corpulent women

  • Guseva M.A.

    Marina A. Guseva. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • Alisa S. Sharshova

    Alisa S. Sharshova. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • А. K. Aly

    Kurmanjan Aly kyzy. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia


Abstract. According to the World Health Organization, every fourth woman in high-income Western European countries is diagnosed with obesity, and every second woman is overweight. According to the forecasts of the World Obesity Federation, the prevalence of this disease in the 21st century is in the nature of a pandemic, and as for women by 2025 the figure will exceed 21% of the total popula¬tion. Russian women, along with the women of the United States, China, Brazil and India, will be among the top five most full-bodied. Recent studies indicate that the accumulation of fat in female body is a heterogeneous group of disorders, most of them have an unknown etiology. Therefore, the con¬sumer audience of clothing sector, including overweight women, will remain large now and in the near future. The article presents some analysis of society's perception of corpulent people. It was found that modern women are active consumers of garments, and, regardless of their size, the
motive for purchasing new clothes is their desire to improve their appearance. Unfortu¬nately, the negative assessment of their own appearance by many corpulent consumers does not stimulate them to participate in social activities, including shopping. An important innovative tool for the interaction of any clothing company or trade organization with corpulent customers is digital fitting of virtual
clothing im¬ages. The authors developed an algorithm for visualizing corpulent female bodies to represent digital clothing in the Internet and in promotions of customized clothing enterprises using the latest IT design technologies.
Keywords: physique of overweight female figures, virtual fitting rooms, avatars.